Measure Twice, Cut Once

Thursday, February 06, 2003

"[P]eople who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them." -- E. V. Lucas, 1868-1938

New Forms: I am very strongly considering changing the scope of this blog to be more like James Lileks' Bleats. I took a couple of weeks to check out a small but representative chunk of the blogosphere, and it turns out there are thousands of blogs out there that are better than mine for news, updates, etc. Plus, the Radio software (apparently) has a pretty good content aggregator that will allow me to stay plugged in to lots of resources much better than my own hasty scrounging around. So the thinking is that rather than aggregating some content here, I'll just provide my own commentary on whatever is the bee in my bonnet at the time. (Plus, as I've written before, ultimately this thing is a brain repository for me -- a place to put notes and commentary on things that interest me and that I might wish to return to some day in the near or distant future.) So there.


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