Measure Twice, Cut Once

Thursday, January 16, 2003

"All virtue is summed up in dealing justly." -- Aristotle

"Wait, it is rocket science!": This is another reason why I'll always be a satellite TV subscriber. Of course, the primary reason is that I acquired a deep distrust of cable companies when I worked (long ago) for a premium subscriber satellite provider now merged into the largest U.S. satellite television provider.

Doc Searls hits it on the head (as does John LeCarre): This juxtaposition of Bush's value system vis-a-vis human life is spot on. And LeCarre's article has already raised a "blogstorm" (that's my coining for a ruckus on blogs). What will the fallout be?

Thank you, may I have another?: Here's another great juxtaposition: Bush's stance on affirmative action vs. the way he became an Eli. Joe Conason is all over it.


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